This is NOT Child Labor.... I Threw a fit if anyone tried to help me with my bag!!

This is the Hotel we stayed the night at in Minnesota...

Leaving Minnesota to head to Great Grandma's in Star Prairie, WI.

Playing cars with Great Grandma Pearl and giving her kisses...

Farm living in River Falls,WI at Aunt Starla and Uncle Gordy's Farm is the life for me!!

Loving the open spaces!!

This is a calf that I got to help Aunt Starla feed!

One of my many favorite things...Tractors

Cow Watching..

Picking Flowers with Emily

Aunt Starla explaining to Emily how to pick and apple...

I don't need no stinking directions..I just help myself...

Then Aunt Starla is trying to teach my how to shine my apple but I just want to..

take a big old bite!!

These are the best apples we have ever had!! Too bad we didn't get that apple crisp that Aunt Starla kept talking about!!

Watching the Cows get milked..

Cousin Kyle explaining the tractor to Emily and I along with Cousin Brooke..

Grandma and Aunt Dawn...

My Daddy and I

Uncle Kevin and Aunt Patti renewing vows on their 25th Wedding Anniversary!

Grandma trying to get me to bust a move!!

Em actually busting a Move... Can She Dance or What??

a bit of a wall flower...

put your hands in the air....
and wave'm like you just don't care!!

Heading into Minnesota to have Brunch with Emily, Grandma and Aunt Dawn..

Helping my Emily across the road and into the restaurant..
As you can see we got along great!!

Saying Goodbye....I will miss you!!!


Cousin Kyle coming in from a hard days work...

Riding a Quad with Daddy!!

We did get to see some Leaves changing...Mommy's Favorite!!

Downtown River Falls....

Saying Goodbye to Aunt Starla...Thanks for Everything!! We had a Blast!!

Saying Goodbye to the Cows....